The ACVB staff is made up of individuals dedicated to working with the community
Moises Rodrigues
Executive Director
Alberto Montrond
Director of Policy and Research
Artur Cardoso
Senior Program Assistant
Manuela Avelino
OutReach Worker
Lu Lobo-Vieira
OutReach Assistant
Khady Mascarenhas
Program Development
Djara Elisa Hampton
LICSW - Clinical Supervisor
Carlos Silva
Program Manager/Clinical Services Coordinator
Carlos E. DaSilva
ESOL Instructor/Coordinator
Leandra Monteiro
DCF Case Manager
Mataina Carla Michel
Haitian SB Advocate
Mario Centeio
Case Manager
Tatiana Moniz
Case Manager/Senior Program
Edna Silva
Domestic Violence Program Coordinator
Marissa Rodrigues
Director of Youth Programs
Neusa Ferreira
Outreach Assistant
Felicita Sepulveda
Hispanic SB Advocate
The Board of Directors is made up of a diverse group of people with different service backgrounds and expertise.
The board meets once a month on the first Sunday of the month at the ACVB office location.
Joe Miranda
Board President -
Nick Tavares
Vice-President -
Manny Centeio
Treasurer -
Carla DaRosa
Clerk -
Paulo Paiva
Marline Amadee
Manuel Andrade
Neal Siskind, Esq
Luisa Shaffer
Agnaldo "Nato" Fonseca
Sylvester Fortes
Maria Leite
Jovino Peres
Building Committee
Manuel Andrade, Chair -
Education/Youth Committee
Marline Amadee, Chair -
Finance Committee
Manny Centeio, Chair -
Fundraising/CV Day Committee
Joe Miranda, Chair -
Humanitarian Committee
Sylvester Fortes, Chair -
Planning Committee
Joe Miranda, Chair